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Mars Journey: Call to Action Book 1 is the first book in the bestselling epic science fiction series set in the near future:

Brent Carlson, a brilliant but disgraced former astronaut, embarks on a modern day quest to gather and train the crew of the first international mission to Mars. Meanwhile, the power hungry billionaire CEO of a massive global technology conglomerate has launched a bid to reach Mars first and claim the red planet as corporate property.

-The Mars Journey series delves into the science, technology, drive, and determination of the human spirit to come together to overcome our greatest challenges, explore space, and become the first humans to colonize the Red Planet.

"My SF reading past has encompassed Clarke, Asimov, Herbert, Del Rey, and the like, and I have to confess that they may have spoiled me for some of the newer authors.... Bill Hargenrader may well be an exception to that rule!" J Dunnet

"I am not usually a reader of this genre, but have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed this first book. Was dismayed to reach the last page, no not yet! Highly recommend!" Maureen

"Short enough with so much action that I could not quit reading until I finished rather late at night!" -Hank

"Finally got a chance to read your book! I LOVE it. We need more books like this!!" A. Elliott 

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PLUS you get 2 additional bonuses for FREE: 
-Bonus #1: 22 page Mars Journey Concept Art and Inspiration Guide
-Bonus #2: Mars Journey Mission Assessment Case File

And don't forget, for a very limited time, you can read all 3 books in the series for free:

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